Saturday, February 20, 2016

Blog post #C

The three main topics I found most important in chapters 5 and 7 were digital citizenship, problem solving and software, and computer gaming. I created a bulletin board to show some information from each one.
One of the reasons I thought that digital citizenship is so important is because today's students need to learn what they can and can't do with technology. Since technology is such a common tool today we need to teach kids the proper way to use it. Learning the digital ethics and values consist of social network safety, citing sources, plagiarism, and appropriate technology use. Not only is it important to teach the children how to be a good digital citizen but also the teachers. When a teacher is using a power point or article it is important that they understand the copy right and fair use of the internet. I found an article and video that perfectly explains how fair use works.
 The next topic I found important was problem solving and the use of software. When students are problem solving they first need to understand the problem then use problem solving strategies and then check their results. To use technology for problem solving they can use software programs, apps, learning games, and intelligent tutoring programs. Problem solving software consists of composing and calculating software, digital writing, and building inventing and creating software.
Its important to incorporate games into Children's education but the more technology that comes out today the harder it is to keep kids interested in the educational games. there's video games and digital games for learning such as internet or browser based games and desktop based games. Tips to teachers for games are not to let them play the ones that isolate the children or only focus on winning or loosing.
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Amy Erin Borovoy, Edutopia. Five-Minute Film Festival: Copyright and Fair Use for Educators. December 02, 2015